Beginning of a Philosophical Inquiry

Hi everyone, my name is Sanskar Barot and Iam studying at an university right now(as of from the name of the blog you must have already judged about this blog’s main foundation being based on philosophical inquiry). The reason Iam starting to blog on philosophy is, I believe that all of us have different perspectives towards reality; and so as to share my perspectives of how a philosophical inquiry can be conducted on our day to day activities. So lets get ahead on this enthralling and unique journey of connecting philosophy to our daily lives and understand the deeper meaning behind everything.

Philosophy is a very extensive subject which encourages an individual studying it to think critically in mainly all aspects of life. It makes us understand our true selves and helps in understanding the nature of the world we live in. People who study philosophy are often engaged in asking, answering, evaluating and reasoning life’s most basic yet difficult questions. By answering these questions philosophers develop a new perspective towards life and the world they live in.


A particular situation can be perceived in two different ways by separate individuals as shown in the image. Though optical illusion does play quite a role in this image. However, both of the individuals have different perspectives for it. As it suggests that everything we see is a perspective and not the truth. This particular line itself is quite debatable as if whatever we see is not truth then what is truth? 

I was wondering upon this from quite a long time, and after some brainstorming sessions I came to the conclusion that truth is also one of our views. Views in terms of thinking what is right and what is wrong depending upon our belief systems and how we see an event as a whole. Well there are many concepts proposed in the past by great philosophers regarding  what truth actually is. 

Just to keep things clear and simple let’s go ahead with the ELUSIVE theory of truth. This theory in general states that our perspective on any situation is mainly based upon what we ourselves think of to be true. Let’s say you have a distinct way of doing your day to day tasks and you don’t like if it’s not done in the same manner as you do it. Now, if your friend judges you in context of having this peculiar way to do a task, you will get defensive and start proving yourselves to him that what you are doing is right and explain them your perspective. However, they see it from a different view and hence, a different perspective. Therefore in a single situation, the truth for two different people is different due to their perspectives towards it.

In the end I would like to say all comes down to perspective that is  how you view things. Ultimately there are many theories developed overtime by philosophers on what truth is in actuality. However, all theories can have subjective value but you can’t define it in a proper sense as it’s not necessary that what an individual perceives to be true for them is also perceived as truth by others.