In this world of digitisation and evolving technology, our brains are constantly being fed with a lot of information at a unmanageable rate on daily basis. When we receive so much of it then I believe, we should take time once in awhile to process & analyze all of it so as to avoid any disruption in daily lives. Most of this information which we receive comes from multiple sources — like Social media, Newspaper, Friends, Relatives, Television etc.

So ever thought how all of this information causes disruption? Well I assume that not even for the slightest moment you would have thought of this possibility. As we all know how our mind works; like at the fraction of second it keeps changing thoughts, like at one instant you would be thinking of the various sounds you hear coming from outside and suddenly your thoughts take a turn and you engross into thinking about any other event or start observing anything else. Basically all the time you are awake, your mind constantly undergoes some sort of mental activity, be it through any means.

Of Course the mind does undergo constant mental activity all day long, however, we need to find out which are the constructive ones and which of them help us achieve our goals. When we get information from so many multiple sources, its a high possibility that while working on a task we may get distracted to another topic. For e.g. you are studying with full concentration & suddenly you cellphone buzzes; when you open your phone to check it, the display shows you have got a new post in your news feed from a page you follow. Now you open your social media account to check it, however, instead of checking that single post you keep on scrolling your news feed as you think there must be some important post by any of the people you follow and you may have missed out. Assuming it takes at least twenty minutes of yours while your are doing this wherein you divert from you actual objective of studying. Again checking social media is not bad, however, doing so in between an already ongoing activity can disrupt your state of mind in turn making it difficult for you to focus. As there will be a great amount of thoughts going on in your mind from the initial information you received from checking the social media. Not all of this stuff you read from social media will be benefitting you in actuality, lets say only a minimal amount from it will actually matter and would be of any constructive purpose. Herein, if we analyze all the the information we received and only take in what is useful, there wont be any jumble of thoughts at all.

As stated in the quote; if talked in terms of actuality in terms of our day to day lives then it simply means that we should take information from everywhere as this is a sign of an open mind, however, accept only that is useful. For sure discard all the irrelevant information which is taking up space in our mind & in the end add some our own input to the useful information which we just collected.
Again these are just my views on this topic, feel free to share your views through comments.

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